Sunday, May 17, 2020

Personal Reflection Essay Personal Bucket List - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 565 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2018/12/14 Category Philosophy Essay Type Descriptive essay Level High school Did you like this example? I believe that one day my heart will stop beating and my body will grow gradually and cold. However before that occurs, I have earmarked many things that I intend before I die. The realization of the goals I have earmarked will pit my heart at rest and that is why I am determined to ensure that I achieve them. One of the things that ranks top among my bucket list is participating in the New York Marathon. The New York Marathon is a historical race in the world that has seen many marathon records broken and new athletics stars born. Winding through the city of New York, the course provides a proper surface to test an individuals endurance levels. Conquering the New York Marathon will be a huge source of inspiration for me in life as it has proven to be difficult for even some of the greatest names in the athletics world. Another goal I intend to achieve is to visit China. My first stop in China will be to visit the pagodas occupy a special place in the cultural history of C hina. The worlds most populous nation has numerous historical sites that reveal a lot about the country. The Great Wall of China, another architectural behemoth in China is definitely one of the areas that I must visit while on my tour of the country. This wall has a special position in the history of the country and paying it a visit to the monument will also be an opportunity to take a walk into the rich history of the country. Another objective that I look forward to accomplishing before my final day is to complete a degree in law and become a barrister in my country. I have a great passion of human rights and wish to undertake a law degree in human rights so that I can defend the rights of those whose rights are violated in the society. I live in a society where I every day, I witness gross violations of human rights by those who are powerful in the society. Thus, a voice within me is pushing me strongly to fight this vice and I believe I can only realize this dream if I a m myself with the degree in law. Being a football fan, I would love to travel to Merseyside in England and watch a football at Anfield, the home of the legendary English club, Liverpool. Throughout the years, I have followed the football exploits of this iconic club and one of my life ambitions is to watch a home match of Liverpool. I read a lot about the passion displayed by the fans of the club and particularly those who occupy the Kops End, the designated area where the staunchest fans of the club when Liverpool is playing at the stadium. I will feel thrilled pulling the Red and White colors of the club that boasts of eighteen English domestic titles and an impressive five Champions League gongs. After attaining this dream, I will come back home and write an autobiography detailing the beautiful things that have taken place in my life. In my autobiography, I will seek to use the challenges that I have faced in my life to inspire belief in those who are coming behind me. Having attained the above goals, I can relax and wait to die an accomplished person. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Personal Reflection Essay: Personal Bucket List" essay for you Create order

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