Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Disadvantages Of Mass Media - 1537 Words

Mass media is an extensive word used for all the forms of technology through which information can be disseminated. Mass media refers to the communication devices which are used to converse and interact with a large number of audiences in various ways and languages. It has become an inseparable part of our lives, be it the pictorial messages of the earlier times or the high technology media available today. Apart from entertainment, mass media also is an effective way of communication, spreading information, advertising, marketing, and in general, of expressing and sharing views, opinions, and ideas. In the contemporary times with the advent of the internet, the high technology mass media also known as new age media has come into†¦show more content†¦(Gilmore, 2012) We are all passive consumers to the content being fed to us through the mass media. Developed democracies like India have, of course, rightly identified the need for checks and balances to protect media pluralism and the rights of individuals—independent bodies such as competition authorities, and broadcasting authorities. Traditional media or old media includes print media such as newspapers, books, magazines, newsletters, etc. Other traditional media are the electronic media such as radio, television, and movies also known as broadcast media. Freedom of expression is the building block for an open and free society. For this, a free and uncensored media is essential in any society. During the era of emergency in 1970s, the traditional media faced commotion. But during the period of 1975 to 1978, the press was highly controlled and regulated in India. The present scenario has a very different tale to narrate, there is no such proclaimed emergency. But the question is, Are we being provided with a script or are they really news? Are the contents in their raw form or are they manufactured contents? With big companies having the remote in their hand, everything is under the carpet and they keep reshuffling the channel of ideas in our minds. Cottle (2003), claims that commercial television news is primarily a commodity enterprise run by market-oriented managers,Show MoreRelatedDisadvantages Of Mass Media1648 Words   |  7 Pagesonly in the things that he or she selects to eat and wear and live but in the things he or she choo ses to listen to and look at† ( Alderson, 354). The mass media that meet the demand to human’s entertainments such as movies, TV show, advertising, and newspaper. The media help human relax and connect to other people. There are many benefits of using media. 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According to Glen Smith and Kathleen Searles, Most assumption are being based off of what they see and hear on the television, social networks and on the radio because its mainly one side stories or one bashing of individuals. People do not take the time to go in-depth about the situation being inaccurately displayed at times. Sociologist is beginning to reali ze the effect of mass media has onRead MoreAdvantages Of Using The Internet1214 Words   |  5 PagesWhat are some differences between the internet and more traditional media? What are some advantages and disadvantages of using the internet in advertising? Describe the main types of promotion used on the internet (both traditional and newer types). 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Disadvantages - Information may come across in the wrong manner i.e. if too formal, or too lengthy so people

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